What Will Your Home HVAC Installation Costs Include?

The comprehensive breakdown of home HVAC installation costs, including equipment, labor, permits, and more. Visit for HVAC Services: Sandium

Updated on Oct 23, 2023
5 min read
What Will Your Home HVAC Installation Costs Include?

When installing a new HVAC system or replacing an old one in your Bay Area house, budget is surely an important factor to be taken into consideration.HVAC system and installation costs depend on a variety of factors. Your HVAC system cannot cost the same as your neighbor’s because the unit you purchase, the company that does the installation, and additional services your house requires will all vary and costs will differ too.

You may receive quotes from different HVAC companies that are starkly different from one another.

It’s vital to understand what the HVAC installation costs include and what you can expect to get in the amount you spend. This will help you design your monthly budget for future maintenance and energy bills as well.

HVAC costs can be divided into two categories:

A. Equipment-related costs

B. Installation related costs

1. Type of equipment

There are different types of air conditioning and heat pump systems available in the market such as ducted split systems, variable refrigerant flow (VRF) systems, ductless mini splits, or water-cooled systems. HVAC contractors can help you choose a system that will fulfill your requirements.

2. Unit capacity/size

The size of a heating or cooling unit refers to its capacity. Getting an over-sized or under-sized unit will result in energy wastage, high utility bills, wear and tear of parts, and inefficient heating or cooling in the house. Proper sizing calculations must be done before finalizing the unit size that will be purchased.

3. Energy efficiency

Systems that rate high on energy efficiency are costly compared to those that are not. But even if you have to spend a larger amount on purchase, you will end up saving a lot on energy costs in the long run, once you have installed a highly energy-efficient HVAC system.

4. Add ons

Additional features like UV air purifiers or humidification systems can help you have clean, pollutant-free air inside the house. This is important if residents suffer from any respiratory problems or allergies. But it will incur additional costs.

A. Installation related costs

1. Ductwork

Centralized air conditioning and heating require elaborate ductwork around the house. Designing a new duct system or modifying the existing one to suit a new HVAC system can cost a lot. Costs differ based on the length and diameter of the ducts, areas to be covered, complexity of the design, and materials used.

2. Controls and zoning

Zoning systems, remote connectivity to a smart thermostat, and other state-of-the-art features will incur additional costs during installation but can make your HVAC usage more comfortable and convenient.

3. Inspections and permits

HVAC contractors generally take care of all the paperwork and building permits required for the installation of new systems, but the permit costs are in addition to equipment and installation costs.

4. Replacement systems

Replacement systems usually cost less compared to new systems because all the infrastructure required for the unit is already in place. But the new unit must be compatible with the existing duct and pipe work.

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