Planning a Home Renovation? Here's How to Protect Your HVAC

Planning a home renovation? Learn how to protect your HVAC system during the process to avoid damage. Get expert advice from Sandium.

Updated on Oct 22, 2023
5 min read
Planning a Home Renovation? Here's How to Protect Your HVAC

Home renovations are both exciting and stressful. Your Bay Area home is going to become a construction zone and you won't have enough time to think about the air conditioner or furnace. However, your HVAC unit will need added protection to prevent debris, dust, drywall dust and other contaminants stirred up from the renovation from entering it. These tips can be helpful in preventing damage to the HVAC system during renovations.

1. Involve an HVAC Contractor at the Planning Stage

A professional HVAC technician can determine whether the renovation will impact any aspect of your existing installation. For instance, the renovation may require the duct placement to be moved. You may require other alterations for accommodating the current HVAC layout.

2. Cover All Air Vents

Large particles, such as construction dust and debris can have a negative impact on the air conditioner and furnace. Your HVAC equipment may get harmed by the larger pieces. You can prevent the dust from accumulating in the system by covering the vents. Don’t forget to keep a few vents open if the furnace is running. Or else, it may restrict airflow.

3. Turn Off the Furnace

Don’t keep the air conditioner or furnace on when work is going on at your home. This will prevent dirt and debris from getting sucked into the machinery and damaging the system. In particular, drywall dust can create major issues in the inner functioning of your furnace. It may clog certain components as well, such as the secondary coils.

4. Keep the Mess Outside

The best way to prevent damage to your HVAC during home renovations is to carry out the messy work elsewhere. You can use the garage or any other outdoor space for sawing and cutting work. This will minimize the amount of grit, sawdust and overall dirt that gets caught in the ducts, vents and air filter.

5. Regular Cleaning

Renovations are lengthy processes and you would be dealing with debris and dust for quite some time. Hence, it is important that you vacuum your home frequently. This is vital to the health of your family and the HVAC unit. Frequent vacuuming and dusting will remove excess dirt and dust that may otherwise get kicked up. Any dust that doesn’t get cleaned up will be sent to the air filter. This will cause the air ducts to get clogged as well.

6. Keep the Air Filter Clean

You should clean or replace the air filter whenever required. The air conditioner will not work properly if the filter becomes clogged. The air may get saturated with drywall dust and other particles which can lead to health risks. You would have to rely on your judgment in terms of changing the air filter. Amount of work being performed and the length of renovation are two important factors you should consider.

7. Professional Duct Cleaning

You should have a professional clean the ducts and the entire HVAC system once renovation work is complete. Dust is persistent even if you followed all other measures to protect your HVAC system. The renovation dust will make its way to the ductwork and cause massive buildups. Your HVAC unit will need to work harder which is not safe or energy efficient. 

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